
December 10, 2013

Welcome Christmas 2013

Welcome Christmas! Christmas means a lot to me. It means I have two weeks break from work and spend time with the family. It has been a busy and tiring year both personally and at work. I'm truly ready for a break! Every other year I have the pleasure to have my son and his family over for Christmas. This year is extra special because my grandson is big enough to understand and enjoy Christmas. My granddaughter Bella told me this year she can read her name on the gift boxes! So Yayah better have many little boxes ready for her! 

I am counting down to the last working day next Friday and this week at work is full of Christmas functions like, lunch, morning tea etc. Last weekend Kitiya came over and helped me putting up Christmas tree and decorations for the rest of the house. I didn't put too many decorations up this year. I didn't bring out the glass ornaments so there won't be unnecessary accidents with the little ones. 

I was making a little quilt to hang at the front door, but I haven't got time to quilt it yet, so I hung one my friend Cynthia gave me many years ago. It's a cute little quilt with hand quilting on it. I'm so lucky to have one of Cynthia's quilts. 

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. Our tree is only medium size, but by placing it on the side table it looks taller. Most of the decorations are handmade excepted the vintage baubles I have collected.

My favourite Santa quilt is out for another year. I have a good look at it each year and still can't believe I made it! It took a few years to finish all 16 blocks, but it's worth every minute of the time spent! I just love it!

Each year I try to feature some blocks from the quilt. This is a dear Santa with the tartan cape holding a wreath. I really enjoyed working on the block.

I love the quilting Santa figurines by Jim Shore. I try to get them on a Christmas sale, but I didn't see any of them last year so I don't have new ones to share. 

Instead of a tree with glass ornaments this year I found a branch from the roadside and decorated it mainly with the star blocks  I made a few weeks ago. I can fit a few more stars when I have time to add gold hangers on them! 

Another lovely quilt I made a few years ago. I hanged it over the mirror window in the hall way. I hand quilted it. I really love it!

I put a small tree in my sewing room. I decorated it with redwork and some red and white baubles. My sewing room is tiny and I don't work in it much. I tend to take projects to work in the living room, but I keep all the supplies in here.

A few more decorations and ornaments I have on the trees. I love bringing out the miniature bears collection. I made them years ago when my children were young. I did make bigger ones too, but I prefer the little ones more!

Still on Christmas. At my desk I normally decorate something just to keep the place happy and bright. This year I use some of the old books I have rescued from the discard trolley to make a tree with. It is unique and goes well in the library! 

I like the idea so I made another one at a table center piece for the department Christmas morning tea. It got the people talking about it. I can see that there will be a few more book trees popping up over the place.

I hope everyone is well and busy with your Christmas preparations and holiday plans. At the moment in Australia our weather is very unusual with lots of rain.The temperature has dropped to under 20'C. That BBQ Christmas that we are hoping for might have to change to a roast Christmas! 

Until next time


  1. How nice that you have two weeks off for Christmas. I can see why you enjoy the holiday so much. Wonderful decorations. And I love your idea of the green book stack that resembles a tree! You are a true librarian!

  2. What a beautifully decorated home you have!! So festive! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Wow! That Santa quilt is a work of art. Love your book trees, and all your other decorated trees too. Hope the weather clears for your barbie!

  4. Beautiful decorations! I really like the trees you made with the books. Great idea!
    I haven't done anything yet. I'll decorate the tree next week with my GD.

  5. Oh my, I'd love to come and see all your beautiful creations....the book tree is so inventive, perfect for the library and of course at home on a coffee table....I'll be stealing this idea too :0). I hope you enjoy your time off and have a wonderful time with your grandchildren and a blessed Christmas.

    Merry Merry

  6. i can imagine how much you are looking forward to two weeks off and being able to spend time with your beautiful family....in a lovely decorated home. sending love.

  7. I always enjoy your Christmas post. It brings back fond memories
    of new friendships and festive times.
    Always a pleasure to see the Santa Quilt again.

  8. You have decorated your home beautifully! The Santa quilt is gorgeous and I love the book tree idea, very clever. Enjoy your break and Christmas with your grandchildren.

  9. Gorgeous decorating Nat! Enjoy your family .....your Santa quilt is beautiful!

  10. I am loving your Christmas decorations! Sweet Christmas blessings to you and yours.


  11. LOVE all the festivity here, Nat! And not least all the fiber-related festivity! ;o) And that book-tree is HUGE DELIGHT! Even after downsizing, we still have to o many books... this is a good things we could do with them in December... LOL! ;o) Wishing you & yours the happiest Chrstmastime ((HUGS))

  12. Hi Nat, I loved all your Christmas photos -- those book trees are so cool! And I love the branch tree and the sewing room tree. I guess I love ALL your trees, actually! xoxo

  13. lovely decorations and so many good ideas in your post!
    enjoy your weeks off although i predict quilting and dyeing and... :)
