
September 2, 2015

My Birthday

I had a birthday last week. I did not go out of my way to do anything special on my birthday but friends, colleagues and family had other ideas. I went out to 2 lunches, many morning teas and dinner. Not bad for celebrating being a year older! I received birthday presents and some e-cards from distant family and friends. Thanks everyone!

I have been busy as usual. Only 3 more weeks till we leave on our around the world trip. I'm starting to get a bit excited now! 

I did a few batches of dyeing these last weeks. The results are getting better and better, and I don't do anything different from what I did in the past. I'm so thrilled to get rich colours and patterns from my dyed fabric. 

Below are some photos from my birthday, and dyeing results. 

Birthday dinner at Steak Ministry

A selection of art journal supplies from Mel Tan

Knitted cowl-neck and other gifts from my colleagues

Bolgatanga African market baskets from DD Kitiya

Some gorgeous gifts from Myra and Cynthia.
They know I love blue!

One of a kind birthday gifts. Rusty objects from
Geo's daily walks on her farm.

Since Jacky's Create Journal Workshop at my Treehouse Studio, I reshuffled some furniture to make more space in the Treehouse. I can now have up to 6-7 people in a workshop at the Treehouse. I recently acquired a vintage silk houry/kimono from Kazari/Ziguzagu. I have the right spot to display it in the Treehouse, the only wall space available being the wall the BORO cloth was hanging. I took the BORO cloth down and hanged the houry/kimono in its place.

It looks beautiful on the wall. The designs
on this kimono was individually woven.
Finely silk woven. It's so beautiful. 

These two chairs are now replacing the long vintage
bench that was there since I moved into the Treehouse.

Baskets are now overflowing over the bookshelves,
but I love them!

Below are some results from a couple of batches of dyes I did in the last couple of weeks. Some of them are better than others. I can use all of these in stitching projects by varying colours and textures. What I need now is time to stitch! 

Jacky called them eco-roses. Collections of dyed silks

Great result dyeing with vintage Japanese wool and eucalyptus

Cotton thread I dyed a couple of weeks ago by wrapping
it around rusty tin

A tint of yellow from wattle flowers and eucalyptus

I made this gorgeous piece of milky merino into a cowl-neck

When opened this piece I thought I wouldn't be able to
do better than this!

Only half of the leaves were removed in this piece

When I opened this bundle, I thought yes, I could!

I also got domesticated last weekend. The olive tree we have in our garden produced a lot of olives this year. I was too busy to do anything about them until last weekend when I had some free time. I started by soaking them in water for a week. Even though the olives are quite small, they are the tastiest olives I have ever tasted. 

I got all necessary ingredients and was ready to bottle
them after a week of soaking. 

Using all jars available I packed and filled the jars
with brine water and a little olive oil. 

It doesn't seem like I have been doing much stitching lately, but I always have a hand stitching project or projects nearby. I keep forgetting to photograph them. I will try to remember to do that soon.

Until next time


  1. Love that vintage kimono.Question, do you use the same eco dyeing method when using wattle flowers? I love the idea and wattle is in flower at the moment.

  2. I always get inspired reading your posts and seeing your photos-lovely gifts, and awesome dye results-and you live in a treehouse? how awesome is that-here on friday evenings I always watch treehouse masters amazing the tree houses they build

  3. dear nat,happy birthday,your new dyeings are just wonderful,take care ,susi

  4. Happiest of birthdays, Nat. You have an exciting year ahead for you. I loved seeing your gifts - gifts for a true artist!

    Your dying is just beautiful. The results are so vibrant and unique.

    Those olives look delicious. Its so nice that you are putting them to good use.

  5. sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. wishing you a year of joy and creativity. your trip sounds amazing. can't wait to see all the photos.

  6. Happy belated birthday Nat <3

    Your Eucalyptus dyed cloths are soooo GORGEOUS !!!
    And you have lots of good olives for the near future ;-)

  7. oh sorry don't know what happened with my email-I will recheck it, but I am getting emails from other bloggers so don't knwo what happened-so glad you stopped by for a visit Kathy

  8. happy birthday Nat!

    This post is rich in beauty.
    My favourite photos are:
    1. the kimono on the wall
    2. the baskets on the bookshelves
    3. all of the ones with the stunning red eucalyptus dyeing - especially that vintage wool one


  9. as ever, gorgeous dyeing.
    the kimono is a beauty

  10. Hello Nat,

    Happy Birthday. Lots of lovely dyeing and your Olives look so yummy.
    The Kimono looks fantastic on your wall.

    Happy days

  11. Wow, your dyed cloths are spectacular, Nat, they just get better and better! And belated Happy Birthday wishes to you, my dear Dyeing Guru! I love seeing what you're up to on Instagram. xoxoxo

  12. I am a bit behind with reading blogs. A bit late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY and i love the presents, especially the rusty pieces. That girl really know you very well....

  13. Seems like fun-filled and festive weekend for sure! Belated happy birthday dear! Everything looks so great. Thanks for the photos. I am also planning to host my 30th birthday bash at one of local indoor event space and will invite all my loved ones.

  14. Hi, I am loving your eco prints. I have been trying to achieve a similar result but am not getting such a strong clear image. Can you tell me what mordant you are using and how long you are boiling them for, Emma

    1. I would like to know as well.
