As I have mentioned in the past, I am working at Central Services of a large university library. We even have our own Asian Studies library. When I got interested in Japanese textiles a few years ago. I was surprised to find that my library has such a wealth resources of Japanese books, videos and DVDs on textiles for me to use. I can even request items if we haven't got them in our collection. Recently I started making bojagi wrapping cloth inspired by Jean. I had no idea how I would go about making it. Then I remembered that in my library there is a Korean collection as well. The Korean Librarian is a friend of mine. I told her what I was looking for and less than 10 minutes later I got a couple of books on bojagi wrapping cloth. I do feel fortunate working there. My first bojagi wrapping is now completed. It's for a gift and I need to get it done soon.
This is my bojagi wrapping cloth I started here. I got to the border today phew! I am so happy it is done. No not quite done. I have to turn over the outer hem yet. It was amazing how quickly it went together just sewing it by hand.
I tried it out as a table topper today and it looks quite nice. It is for a house warming gift so I hope they like it!

Here are a couple of bojagi books I got out from my library. The little one on the left has so many cute projects you can make in quick time, but it is in Korean only. The Bojagi's Simple Elegance is in both English and Korean. It is a great book full of antique and modern bojagis. I have taken some photos here for you so enjoy!
I hope you have got some inspiration from these books. I do love the tone on tone pieces. The pink one would be great for my DGD. I will have to start collecting some pink. I don't have too much pink in my stash. Some of the antique pieces are great as well. I can see I will be making more of them.
How is your weekend? I have a quiet weekend to catch up on. I went to Reverse Art Truck to get mat board to use as frames for a photo exhibition I hope to have in November.
just love your bojagi piece. I know the recipient will love it. I have taken both of the books you show out of the library a couple of years ago. such great inspiration. I also bought a couple of Japanese magazines from ebay that have some beautiful bojagi pieces. I love having them here for inspiration when the mood strikes.
Dear Nat, not only I am inspired, I have my fingers tickling because they want to sew NOW.
The bojagis in the book are striking, and so is the one you made, I hope that your friend will appreciate this hand made gift.
I love the geometric patterns. They look almost Frank Lloyd Wright-ish. Your friend is very lucky to receive your beautiful gift.
What a beautiful bojagi cloth present! And great inspirational pictures!
Your bojagi is so beautiful. I love the stained glass quality of the ones in the books. Time for stitching is soon at hand and I know what direction I am heading first! Thanks for the inspiration!
just love your bojagi. thanks for the inspirational pictures, I will have to research my library for similar books. I love the transparent nature of the cloth with the light behind it.
Nat, your bojagi is beautiful and I love it on the table. I NEED more books, ha! Look out, stitching bojagi is addictive.
The bojagi is really lovely. I love coming here and discovering so much information that I never knew existed. I will have to research a bit of it myself. You keep us inspired, Nat.
Nat I love the colours in this...looks fantastic!!! How lucky that you have these books in your library there!!!
Now I could even LERVE patchwork like that!
Beautiful cloth...beautiful pictures! You really do teach so much :)
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for your comment Nat. I love these pieces, I went to see how many Japanese wrapping cloths I have, a lot! but these are so interesting with the hidden seams and architectural shapes. Must try one day.
Wow Nat, it seems impossible that so many of your posts have gone by without me checking in. I have just read over them and am so impressed with your productivity and creativity. I am also a little bit intimidated by it! I love all your work, the embroidery, the knitting and the quilting. I am so interested and inspired by these bojagi. When I get back to quilting, I will keep that inspiration in mind. :0)
I cut up some dusty cross weave and ikat woven blues for the background of some Drunkards Path Blocks. I have some batik scraps for the 1/4 circles.
Your cloth is great.
Hello Nat,
Your cloth is beautiful a perfect present. Glad you found a heap of books to inspire you. They look lovely in the different colours.
Happy days.
Love it Nat! And quite big it is when I see the table and the tea pot ....
I like these Pojagi cloths best when you see the light through !
Beautiful work Nat - now I have to go online to see more about Bojagi cloth - wrapping cloth?? as for a gift - or a new baby?
Oh Nat, your pictures make my heart go pit-a-pat. Your cloth is lovely.
you are so lucky having access to all tose books. And every time you post about Pojagi I want to make one/some.
What a wealth of inspiration, lovely colour and shape combinations and a great soft feel.
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