Day 1: After a few hours of piecing Heartfelt Quilt. The strips are coming along together well.
I like the muted colour of the fabrics when they blend together. The weekend is coming and I can spend more time on it.

A bunch of fabric pieces ready to be make into a quilt.

Everyone at work are very somber this week because of the devastated bush fires in Victoria on Saturday. I wanted to do something to help not only in monetary term, but something more to the heart. At least for someone I personally known. Then I thought, I can make a quilt! All that afternoon I was thinking of what kind of quilt I would make. It has to be something easy and quick. I set to work when I got home. I pulled out my pre cut fabrics I've cut for something else plus border and backing fabrics. I started to pieced them together in strips.
Tonight I will put the strips together to form a quilt top. I will use the yellow, red and blue checks fabric above for the border and the darker checks for the backing. All the while I was piecing I thought of my colleague wrapping himself up with my quilt and that makes me feel better already. Some of my friends told me today that they felt exactly the as me so, I told them to make something for the bush fires sufferers and it will make them feel better. Quilt always heals for me...!
Hey Natima...knowing you I bet this quilt is well on it's way to completion. Good on you...Blessings, Ingrid xxx
The quilt top is almost done. I am feeling hopeful that I will get it done by the weekend and then the quilting begaun. Will machine quilt it, I think - thanks for your support. Natima
Hi Nat I felt much the same. Got out the beginings of a charity quilt started by Flying Geese. Almost have the top done.
Yours is coming along I see
Thanks Terry, I haven't touch the quilt all weekend. Other stuff to do with love ones (Valentines Day you know?). Had cultural activities. Will post some photos up very soon. Thanks for a visit. Love Natima
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